Developing a Pedagogical Method for Intermediate and Advanced Saxophone Studios Based on the Analysis of Michael Brecker's Unaccompanied Ballad Solos

Resource type:Dissertation
Primary Author:Palacios, Luis Felipe
Additional Author(s):
Journal / Book Name:
Journal Volume:
Date Published:2018
Publisher:George Mason University
Publisher location:Fairfax County, Virginia
Edition / Access Date:D.M.A. dissertation
Notes / Web URL:
Keywords:Michael Brecker, saxophone, pedagogy, improvisation, harmony, motivic development
Formatted citation (Turabian):Palacios, Luis Felipe. "Developing a Pedagogical Method for Intermediate and Advanced Saxophone Studios Based on the Analysis of Michael Brecker's Unaccompanied Ballad Solos." D.M.A. diss., George Mason University, 2018.

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