Correlated microtiming deviations in jazz and rock music

Resource type:Journal Article
Primary Author:Sogorski, Mathias ; Geisel, Theo ; Priesemann, Viola; Hernandez-Lemus, Enrique
Additional Author(s):
Journal / Book Name:PloS one
Journal Volume:13 1
Date Published:Jan 2018
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Keywords:Rhythm, groove, drumming, time fluctuation, recording, pop music, rock music
Formatted citation (Turabian):Sogorski, Mathias ; Geisel, Theo ; Priesemann, Viola; Hernandez-Lemus, Enrique. "Correlated microtiming deviations in jazz and rock music." PloS one 13 1 (Jan 2018): e0186361-e0186361.

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