Annotator subjectivity in harmony annotations of popular music

Resource type:Journal Article
Primary Author:Koops, Hendrik Vincent
Additional Author(s):de Haas, W. Bas ; Burgoyne, John Ashley ; Bransen, Jeroen ; Kent-Muller, Anna ; Volk, Anja
Journal / Book Name:Journal of new music research
Journal Volume:48 3
Date Published:May 2019
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Keywords:Harmony, annotations, perception, cognition
Formatted citation (Turabian):Koops, Hendrik Vincent, W. Bas de Haas, John Ashley Burgoyne, Jeroen Bransen, Anna Kent-Muller, and Anja Volk. "Annotator subjectivity in harmony annotations of popular music." Journal of new music research 48 3 (May 2019): 232-252.

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