Creating improvisations on chord progressions using suffix trees

Resource type:Journal Article
Primary Author: Ayad, Lorraine A.K
Additional Author(s):Chemillier, Marc ; Pissis, Solon P.
Journal / Book Name: Journal of mathematics and music: Mathematical and computational approaches to music theory, analysis, composition and performance
Journal Volume:12 3
Date Published:2018
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Edition / Access Date:
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Keywords:algorithms, harmony, suffix trees, Djazz improvisation environment, computer-assisted improvisation, interaction
Formatted citation (Turabian): Ayad, Lorraine A.K, Marc Chemillier and Solon P. Pissis. "Creating improvisations on chord progressions using suffix trees." Journal of mathematics and music: Mathematical and computational approaches to music theory, analysis, composition and performance 12 3 (2018): 233-247.

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