An Introduction on Formal and Computational Models in Popular Music Analysis and Generation

Resource type:Book Chapter
Primary Author:Andreatta, Moreno
Additional Author(s):Baroin, Gilles
Editor:Kapoula, Zoï; Vernet, Marine
Journal / Book Name:Aesthetics and Neuroscience: Scientific and Artistic Perspectives
Journal Volume:
Date Published:2016
Publisher:Springer Publishing
Publisher location:New York City, New York
Edition / Access Date:
Notes / Web URL:
Keywords:Popular music, formal music analysis, computer-based analysis, computational models, generative models, mathematical music theory, computational musicology
Formatted citation (Turabian):Andreatta, Moreno, and Gilles Baroin. "An Introduction on Formal and Computational Models in Popular Music Analysis and Generation," in Aesthetics and Neuroscience: Scientific and Artistic Perspectives, edited by Zoï Kapoula and Marine Vernet, 257-269. New York City, New York: Springer Publishing, 2016.

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