George Lewis’s Voyager

Resource type:Book Chapter
Primary Author:Steinbeck, Paul
Additional Author(s):
Editor:Gebhardt, Nicholas ; Rustin-Paschal, Nichole ; Whyton, Tony
Journal / Book Name:The Routledge Companion to Jazz Studies
Journal Volume:
Date Published:2019
Publisher location:New York
Edition / Access Date:
Notes / Web URL:
Keywords:Association for the Advancement of Creative Musicians (AACM), computer music, composition, improvisation, interaction, George Lewis, multi-instrumentalism, Voyager
Formatted citation (Turabian):Steinbeck, Paul. "George Lewis’s Voyager," in The Routledge Companion to Jazz Studies, edited by Nicholas Gebhardt and Nichole Rustin-Paschal and Tony Whyton, 261-270. New York: Routledge, 2019.

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